VBS sign-ups are open!
Pre-K and Elementary Kids, get ready to join us for VBS: Gather ‘Round, an adventure-filled week of campfire fun June 24–28, from 6:00–8:00 p.m. Then bring your whole family for s’mores on our final night together!
Register now to ensure your spot. Click for Preschool registration, or for Elementary registration.

Tender Hearts Summer Camp
Tender Hearts has a summer camp! Enroll your preschooler in our 6-week camp, June 24–August 2. We offer the flexibility of picking which weeks your child will attend and we offer 3 options to fit your weekly schedule.
M-F: 9–1
M, W & F: 9–1
T & Th: 9–1
For more information, please contact Sheila Wilson, Center Director.